Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So, i enrolled in PLENK2010

This morning i found out about a new "Massive Open Online Course", and almost immediately decided to enroll and seize this generous opportunity. When i read that George Siemens (http://www.elearnspace.org/) was involved, i knew i had to take it. I mentionned his pionneering connectivism ebook in my thesis, and thought his ideas were opening a whole new window on Knowledge Management. I've been following connectivism from afar since, and am still enthusiastic about what it can offer.

The course is about "Personal Learning Networks/Environments", and it comes right down my alley as a key component of a project i am working on.

I've been reflecting for a while about the impact Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs, or the  interwebs as it has come to be known to many people) on Education. As a matter of fact, I've published some slides (warning: they're in Spanish) on that topic here:

More to the point, i had also been thinking on the topic of Personal Learning Networks, and gave a presentation at the last Quito Barcamp (also in Spanish, but it shouldn't be too hard to follow):

In short, my hopes are for this course to help me understand more deeply how education can be enhanced with the use of ICTs, and create my own framework on this.

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